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Educational Workshop Event

Get on the Ball

Using tennis/lacrosse/golf balls to work out those pesky “knots” in the muscle



by Dr. Megan Piersol, DPT

Monday, June 5, 2017

6:00-7:00 PM



This workshop is to help you become more familiar with your muscles, why muscles get “knots” in them, what those “knots” really are, and how those “knots” can interfere with proper muscle function. Most importantly, you learn what you can do to help alleviate the pain and dysfunction they cause.

This is also intended to help those that are already using tennis balls or lacrosse balls but want to know other ideas or positions they can use to better release the muscle. We will also go into the importance of continuing with a myofascial release routine for regular muscle maintenance for prevention of injury and re-injury.

If you own a tennis, lacrosse, or golf ball, it is recommended that you bring it to the class. This will be an educational and also hands-on lab workshop, so wear something comfortable. This workshop is intended for all ages and activity levels.


Dr. Megan Piersol, DPT has been a licensed physical therapist for 7 years. Her clinical expertise is in orthopedics, sports medicine, and neurological rehabilitation. She relies on her communication skills, manual therapy, dry needling, functional rehabilitation and patient education to help people get better faster and stay better longer. She is willing to help anyone who wants to achieve an active and healthy lifestyle.


Reserve your spot by email at or call 301-231-0095

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