Balance and Fall Prevention

Join us for this free lesson that will answer the following questions:

How can I improve my balance?

What can I do to reduce my chances of falling?

How do I recover after I have experienced a fall?

If you want to live a healthier lifestyle - this seminar is for you!


Physical Therapy Evaluation

($200 Value)

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Balance and Fall Prevention

Where: ISSA Physical Therapy

Address: 6010 Executive Blvd. Suite 704

North Bethesda, MD 20852

Date: Tuesday November 27, 2018

Time: 6:00 PM

This seminar will discuss the importance of balance within the aging process. We will explore lifestyle and home-layout changes that can create a safer environment. This seminar will discuss the role of exercise and balance training, and will provide you with examples of exercises that you can perform at home to help make you feel more stable on your feet.


Presented by: Cole Howell, DPT

Dr. Howell graduated from the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Doctor of Physical Therapy program. Before joining the ISSA Physical Therapy team, he gained experience working in a variety of hospitals and outpatient clinics, as well as working with active duty service members. His clinical background is primarily orthopedics and neurological rehabilitation. He uses a combination of manual therapy, therapeutic exercise, and neuromuscular re-education to address patient’s functional deficits.

Dr. Howell aims to educate his patients on proper movement mechanics and to help provide each patient with the tools they require to expedite their rehabilitation process while reducing their risk of re-injury.

Check out Dr. Tamer Issa's book, Freedom From Neck & Back Pain- Learn to Live an Active Life Without Fear of Pain